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ATC is an established translation office specialized in technical translation and foreign-language typesetting, mainly for the Arabic language.
I (Dipl. Eng. Galal Taha) was employed for a long time by the then SAS translation agency as a freelance translator. I was specialized in the translation of operating instructions, quick start guides and service booklets for renowned automobile manufacturers.
At the beginning of 2000, the office was transferred to the company STAR Germany.
I was employed there and continued to work in the field of motor vehicles and machine engineering.
After many years of being an employee, I became self-employed. At the beginning of 2006 I established my own translation office ATC in Fellbach, where I also offer interpreting from German to Arabic and vice versa.
Some previous employers became the first customers and fortunately placed orders on a large scale.
More customers followed shortly thereafter. As a result of the heavy demand of linguistic jobs, it became necessary for me to establish a network of qualified colleagues to work as a team.